Saturday, September 22, 2007

2nd Surgery Update

What a difference! The 2nd surgery was Sept 4th and as you can see from the pics, it appears to have been successful. I can't even really remember her as she is in the Christmas picture. We go back for a check-up on Oct 25th so I am not getting my hopes up too much; but so far, so good.
Cam is growing so much every day. She is walking all over the place, even walking backward and in circles! She can climb stairs, but doesn't see them on the way down so I have to be very vigilant. She still goes with me to work every day and is adapting to her environment well. She's a real trooper most days.
Her vocabulary is growing as well. She knows "fish", "ice", "shoes", and a few other words. Getting her to say them when other people are around is a challange, though. Since she really doesn't know the word "cheese", I ask her to say "ice" when I get ready to take a picture. It makes for some pretty funny pictures.
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!
A, B and C

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I'm walking!

Cameron is officially walking as of July 4th. She walked from the love seat to the sofa all by herself without either if us helping. She just got it in her curly little blonde head that she needed to do it, and she did! She still chooses when and where she will walk, but she's getting more confident and will do it more often. She also likes to drink from a straw. She prefers that to a bottle or a sippy cup. We call her "Little Miss Independent" because she loves doing things on her own. She will share anything with you, like her pacifier, graham crackers, Cheerios, etc. If she's got something in her mouth and you tell her to show you, she will shoot that little tongue out and show you, which is good considering that everything she sees goes in her mouth at least once!

She still goes with me to work every day. She's a little trooper. It's getting harder since she is more mobile and wants to explore, but we deal with it day-by-day.

I am completely dumbfounded that she will be a year old in 10 days. Where did the time go? It has without a doubt been the best year of my life! She is truly a living doll.

All our love,

A, B and C

Monday, June 18, 2007

We can't believe it's already been 11 months! It has been the best time of our lives. A lot has happened since the last post. The doctor thinks that we will need another surgery. We are trying some eye drops first, but we will most likely have to go back for surgery # 2 either at the end of the summer or the beginning of the fall. The change is dramatic, though. She looks really good to us, but he says she is still 30 degrees crossed (she started off at 75 degrees crossed).

The pics above are from her Daddy's birthday. She LOVES chocolate cake!

On another note, with the start of the summer, we decided to get Cam in the pool and the boat. She isn't 100% convinced that the pool is fun, but she tolerates it. However, she LOVES the boat! She falls asleep every time ;) Pics of water fun will come soon.

All our love,

A, B and C

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

After the Surgery

Well, it was a long and trying day, but Cam came through it like a champ! We left the house at about 4:15am and they took her back at 8:30am. I was able to go back to see her at about 10:30am so the surgery was very fast. The doctor feels really good about his work so we are hoping that we won't have to do it again! We will know for sure at a 6 week check-up.

Cam did really well. She wasn't too fussy (considering the circumstances). By the time we got home, she wanted a bottle and then wanted in her walker to chase the dogs! She is pretty much back to normal. Her eyes are fairly straight, though the doctor said that we will have to wait until the sutures heal to know how straight they will stay. It's amazing. I teared up when I saw her open her eyes in the recovery room. I also passed out, but that's another story... I guess I am not good with seeing blood :)

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We will keep you posted with more (better) pics and progress!

All our love,

A, B and C

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

More Teeth, More Mobility, More Attitude!

Well, this has been a very busy spring for us! Cam has her 2 top teeth in. They are gigantic! She's going to have a gap between them like her mommy. She thinks that she can use all 4 of them as weapons now when she doesn't get her way. She DEFINITELY has her daddy's temper :)
We took some pics in the bluebonnets. Cam did amazing. It was nothing like the Christmas picture struggle we had. We set her down in the field and I started snapping and within 5 minutes, we had some great photos! I was so proud of her. She loves it outside so it was pretty easy to get her to smile.
As far as mobility goes, Cam is unstoppable in her walker. She will hear me in the other room and follow my voice to find me. As of this evening, she also officially crawls. She saw Pinky's rawhide on the living room carpet and decided to go for it. She was quick, too, for it being her first time! She can stand up in her crib / playpen. We had to lower the mattresses as low as they would go.
Her eye surgery is set for April 17th. Please keep her in your thoughts.
All our love,
A, B and C

Sunday, February 25, 2007

I Have Teeth!

Cam has grown up so much in a month. She got her first tooth on Jan 31st and the second came in about a week later. She got her first cold on her 7 month birthday. Mom gave it to her unfortunately. We took her to a pediatric ophthalmologist on Feb 22nd. He says that she definitely needs surgery on her left eye. She has esotropia in that eye. It will be an outpatient surgery which is good, but you always worry when your child has to be put under anesthesia. She also has to get an MRI before the surgery to ensure that the cause of the crossing isn't nerve damage. It's highly unlikely, but before they go in and cut on her, they have to do it.

She's about 17 1/4 lbs and about 27 1/2" long. She loves to play. She sits on her own now and is very close to crawling. She flips over from her back to her tummy and back again. She is incredibly active. We are having the time of our lives playing with her!

Please keep us in your prayers with Cam's little eye. We just want her to be happy and healthy!

All our love,

A, B and C

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Cheer

Cameron spent her first Christmas with her "Gi-Gi", Grandpa, Mama, Aunt Tiff, Uncles Mike and Cody, and, of course, her loving parents. She had a wonderful time and, as always, stole the show. You can see from the pics above that she cleaned up in the toy department... and these are only a few! We are so blessed. Thanks to all of you who sent Christmas cards and gifts. Have a great New Year!
A,B and C